Thursday, March 17, 2011

Jeff Hardy vs Sting Title Match on TNA Impact

Jeff Hardy vs Sting Title Match on TNA Impact

Jeff has a pretty cool entrance tonight and gets a surprising amount of boos (I figured they would cheer him still because its NC and if this was the Impact Zone they definitely would still cheer him). The same 03.3.11 graphic appears on the screen as last week and then some lightning strikes on the screen and finally STING's music hits! The crowd pops pretty huge for Sting. Hardy's face was priceless as Sting's face appears.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Jeff Hardy (c) vs. "The Icon" Sting

Sting has some new gear and modified face paint. He has a red streak on the paint and he's wearing a red and gold ring jacket along with having red and gold on the tights. He's no longer wearing a shirt over his gear either. The gear looks kind of like a cross between the old surfer Sting gear and the crow Sting. Tenay and Taz point out how Sting has been gone from TNA for months so he wouldn't have to deal with Immortal. Taz also points out all the rumors about Sting over the last several weeks. Sting looks to be in pretty good shape but I guess we will see just how good. Sting drags Hardy into the ring and clotheslines him! He then immediately goes for the Scorpion Death Lock but Hardy quickly crawls out of the ring. Hardy climbs back in the ring and kicks Sting as they go for a lockup and then he beats on Sting's back and throws him into the corner. Hardy puts the boots to Sting and then calls for a Suplex but Sting blocks it and then takes Hardy down and locks in the Scorpion Death Lock! Hardy fights it and gets to the ropes to break the hold. Hardy rolls out of the ring again and sells the leg. Hardy decides to leave ringside but Sting follows him and starts kicking the injured leg and then he Suplexes Hardy on the ramp! Sting drags Hardy back to the ring and throws him into the guardrail! He then drags Hardy to the other side and throws him into another guardrail. Sting then goes for a Stinger Splash but Hardy moves and Sting eats the guardrail. Hardy slams Sting into the ring steps and then he rolls Sting back into the ring. Hardy taunts his home crowd and then hit's a Leg Drop and locks in a Headlock. Sting fights to his feet and breaks the hold with back elbows but Hardy cuts him off and goes for the Twist of Hate! Sting shoves Hardy into the ropes but Hardy bounces off and nails Sting with a right hand. Hardy hits a few more but Sting shrugs them off and gets fired up! He beats his chest and connects with strikes on Hardy repeatedly. Sting kicks Hardy and then connects with the Bulldog! Sting follows up with the Scorpion Death Drop! 1....2...NO Hardy kicks out! Hardy drags himself into the corner where Sting goes for the Stinger Splash! Hardy moves out of the way and then connects with a Back Elbow! Hardy climbs up top for Whisper In The Wind but Sting crotches him and then hits a disgusting Scorpion Death Drop off the top! Sting drags Hardy to the center of the ring, picks him up, and hits another Scorpion! 1...2...3! NEW CHAMPION!

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